Thursday, 25 March 2010

National Independence Day in Greece

Today is the Greek National Anniversary and a major religious holiday with schools & military parades with double celebrations throughout the country. Firstly the 25th March is the Annunciation: the day when the Virgin Mary was given the message by an angel that she would bear Christ (and give birth to him exactly nine months later on 25 December - He wasn't premature). Secondly, in 1821, Greece decided that it had had enough of the Ottoman Empire, hence, on this day we celebrate Greece's victory (aka Greek Revolution) in the war of Independence against the Turks who had occupied the country for 400 years.

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For Greece, the 25th of March is the equivalent to the 4th of July to Americans. This is also the day where you're supposed to eat fried salted bakaliaro (cod) and skordalia (garlic sauce) today. The fast is broken on this day for those who follow the religious calendar, as it usually falls during Great Lent (where most Greeks are supposed to abstain from eating meat, dairy and fish products).

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Also if you're interested in more Greek cuisine/recipes, this is the man who brings inspiration and passion to food.

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