It's ever so slightly gloomy in Athens today, don't know if it's the economic situation we're in or the fact the sun has disappeared and it has been super sunny all week... but what's keeping me smiling today is reminiscing about a shoot I did at this amazing location this time 2 years ago at Camber Sands in East Sussex. Check out the pics below and you'll want to rent out the private apartment bit.
You know how fashion trends come around so quickly - well we adapted this area for our cool tribal/military chic part of the shoot.
I remember the sun coming in the morning - this was where we did hair and make up - perfect lighting.
Ah, the kitchen, fully stocked- but we actually went for the catering which was sensational & healthy.
We also got a great nautical shoot - how versatile is this place?
The bedroom in the private apartment - dreamy stuff.