I'll be catching up on some of my favourite reads (yay!) and working (boo!)
...trying to work out what the devil's going on with my macbook, I think it's dying on me, poor thing and Firefox keeps 'not responding' every 30 minutes. I wish there was an Avada Kedavra button which will resolve these computer issues at the press of a button. Simple, no?
...resting, dreaming and cozying up, it's kinda chilly today & I know those of you in Blighty have to deal with snow!!! Wrap up kittens! (Photography by Marcus Ohlsson)
... Having fun & letting go of things, it is the weekend after all (Photography by Hugh Stewart)
... dealing with weekend house chores, like laundry, only dressed up in killer outfits with yer ladies pals (Photography by Kareem Black)
... lusting after this 'Pride & Prejudice' book (the entire thing) printed onto a 1 page poster by Spineless Classics - Me wants badly. via here, here & here