above: Regal Crown hand stamped wax seal necklace £210 I always get a bit giddy over cool pieces of jewellery, so you can probably imagine how i felt when i stumbled across this Jessica De Lotz collection of wax seal style pendants from her collection titled 'Love Story', how romantic!

As a talented Central St. Martins graduate, I look forward to seeing more awesome pieces of jewellery from Miss De Lotz (cool name or what?) and her brother Benny.
Speaking of pendants, I recently noticed that Tex, from Fashion Butter had almost the same gold pendant as myself, check out the similarities here. I really love this beautiful sovereign coin pendant capturing the memorable battle between St. George and the Dragon as it's my first ever gift from my man when he tracked me down in Athens airport about 4 years ago... sigh!
I've seen a few gold coin pendants floating about, most are bought as gifts. The one above is of Athina via here.
I also love this jeweller, Christina Guenther on Etsy, who makes the most beautiful had stamped sterling silver pendants, with the offering of customizing too, check it out ladie. Note that there are others who do similar 'hand-stamped' pendant on Etsy, but i do so love the cute messages by Christina.images via: Jessica De Lotz, Ancient Creations, Etsy