Anyhow, all that sunshine and running about, (well lots of walking without car), means that a girl deserves a bit of treat. So what do i do? Devour and finish off half a tub ice-cream... These 'Daily Pleasure, SCANDAL!' pots are huge by normal standards and really delicious too. It's the first time i've tried the range, but the Vanilla Secrets flavour simply rocks - i'm digging the scattering of caramelized pecans and slithers of caramel. De-lish!
What's flavours tickle your tastebuds?

From Left-right:
New Look bow belted tulip skirt
New Look tiered bow skirt
Miss Selfridge frill mini bow skirt
Take a style note from Carrie Bradshaws' SATC wardrobe.

Skirts from top to bottom, left-right.
Miss Selfridge lace overlay skirt
Topshop zip front slip dress
Miss Selfridge Ruffle tiered skirt
River Island tiered skirt
New Look Spot ruffle skirt
Topshop Ruffle mini skirt
New Look Tutu skirt
Which of these summery styles will you be flaunting?
images via Topshop, New Look, Miss Selfridge, River Island