I tend to get through everything from crime thrillers to chick lits in no time and have recently been recommended 'Learn Greek in 25 years: A Crash course for the lunguistically challenged' by Brian Church. Why? You may probably ask would I even wanna read this, I should be relatively fluent in Greek by now, it has almost been close to 3 years of living here, right?
I still keep calm and carry on with my embarrassing Greek linguistic mishaps and really ought to make more of an effort to learn more vocab/grammar etc, I do love a challenge. Oh, and i've heard it's hilarious, I think i'll like that.
You see, someone recently reminded me of the dangers of the Greek lingo and how easy it is to make a simple mistake, from a change of a few letters/or additional ones/tone/incorrect pronunciation and be able to make a complete fool of yourself at the same time. Remember my 'i'll have a salad of boy's' incident at a restaurant? Well, I am forever grateful, that I have never said 'katourizo - I'm peeing' when I actually meant 'katharizo - I'm cleaning'... (Sorrryyyyy, this was too funny not to share poptart). If you really wanna know who's been making me laugh out loud, check out 'It's all Greek to Me'.
Ant Egg Soup: The adventures of a food tourist in Laos by Natacha Du Pont Du Bie - An amazing book if you love food, especially Laotian cuisine. This took me back to the days when I travelled around S.E Asia and experienced the time of my life.
Luxury by Jessica Ruston - a brilliant scandalous chick-lit read. Seriously there are so many twists and turns, I totally devoured this book, what a page turner and fun read.
One Day by David Nicholls - I'm pretty sure most of you have either read this or will be reading this. I loved this wonderful book, the best awesome bizarre love story since 'The Time traveller's wife'. I'm just not sure i'll be able to watch the movie though. Let's hope it stays true to the book. Love Anne Hathaway...but not so sure about the accent.
Gunns Golden Rules: Lifes little lessons in making it work. I love this man and this book, there are little snippets of advice about life, love, celebrities, the fashion world, family and how to be your own person - with 18 rules, this book shows you how you can succeed in life - whilst being nice/polite.
Secrets of Stylists: An insider's guide to Styling the Stars by Sasha Charnin Morrison - The title says it all, it's a fun style book. Particularly helpful if you want to work in fashion/styling.
Books I want:
The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger
Bossy Pants by Tina Fey - I've heard this is quite funny
Images via:Lonny, Live Creating Yourself, A Brit Greek