Holy banana's has it really been 2 years since I left the grey skies of Blighty?

My box set of Friends and Sex & The City got me through some pretty tough times.
I have no idea why, but today's post is gonna be filled with little words of wisdom, enjoy!

I just keep talking now (that's if no-one can shut me up), with mistakes and all. I love that saying "It's all Chinese to me" used sporadically here in Greece and in the UK, "It's all Greek to me" - what's so ironically funny about both of these phrases is that I speak fluent Cantonese and now Greek (really badly)!

I've gotten used to the shopping hours here, at first it really bothered me, but my philosophy of looking at life is slightly more different now. I actually think it's healthier all round to have no shops open on Sunday (except for mini markets & Zakharoplastio-cake shops). Have you ever stopped to think if this might be part of reason for the UK's downfall in families/culture etc, was treating Sunday like any other day and not stopping to just put aside one day to enjoy with family, friends and just relax?
"Slow down
calm down
don't worry
don't hurry
trust the process"
calm down
don't worry
don't hurry
trust the process"
- Alexandra Stoddard
I even love how if you're trying to get into a tight parking spot (very common in Athens), that a passer-by will help guide & direct you into your space then carry on as normal. That would so never happen in London.Food love: The Greeks are pretty serious about food & their coffee... I love the Greek kebab, aka Gyros, how amazing & huge the watermelons are and the quality of Olive Oil is, as well as the traditional tavernas here. All I think about is food!!! So my life quote for Food love would be -
"Life is short, eat dessert first" - Torres

People eat late here too, something I didn't get to grips with for a while but which resulted in me eating at least 4-5 times a day.
This country has some of the best islands ever! I'm yet to discover all the gorgeous places North of Greece & in the Peloponnese too with crystal clear waters & passionate history, but it's all there waiting for me! I'm incredibly grateful for the various ports in Greece, they are like mini gateways to paradise!

"A life lived in love will never be dull"
- Leo BuscagliaHave a Happy Damn Friday kids!
Images via: Fashion Gone Rogue, Spiros Poros, Iris Brosch