Wednesday 27 October 2010

I heart Vogue UK: The December Issues

The Gold Issue-Kate Moss shot by Nick Knight - I loved this cover & issue
Vogue UK, December 2000

I can't believe I'm thinking about Christmas already and it's not even Halloween yet! I'm just a wee bit excited as to the arrival of the December issue of UK Vogue hitting the news-stands next month. You see, as per my previous post, I have collected loads of Vogue & Elle magazines amongst others, since I fell in love with fashion and I just can't bear to part with most of them.
I did a clear out before moving to Greece which has thinned the collection down significantly but I've held onto key months as they feature new collections and other amazing fashion goodness.

Front covers of Vogue UK's December issues spanning a decade
- note cover girls Kate & Sienna have fronted the December issues numerous times in a decade, both looking gorgeous as ever

The December issues of Vogue in particular have a special place in my heart as they nearly always have the best front covers, with the most creative, spellbinding & magical fashion spreads ever - I mean I think they seriously blow the budget on these issues and literally go to town with everything including imagination & couture. Can you imagine what brain storming for the December issues must have been like? I also love their special features articles, Vogue's definitive X-mas gift list - although 99% of items are bloody expensive and luxury items, they are incredibly inspirational and the kind of things you splash out on when a good friend gets hitched, has babies, gets engaged or reaches a special age!
One of the best issues was the 2006 issue known as the 'Commemorative Issue', as Vogue celebrated 90 years! Refer to this article in the Independent for an interesting read and why Vogue is pretty special.

This is a totally separate issue but I remember at my previous job, we were discussing the future of traditional media & how it would eventually go IP/be online/digital with the disappearance of print media, something that will eventually be quite rare in say 10/15years time. Well, I sure hope not, Ok, I love how new media is so accessible and up-to-date, but I'm pretty sure that fashion/travel/food and some consumer categories will still have some kind of bias due to our love of colours/pictures-which is better than seeing it online/digitally. I mean can you image reading Vogue and it's glory online only?

Anyhow, moving on. As I said, I want to share with you all, one of the best fashion spreads from Vogue's December 2004 Issue. There are so many beautiful shots in the other issues and also another fave - 2008 issue, but this is one of my favourite's as it takes me onto a fantastic journey. I love everything here, from models/people casted, photography, back drops, fonts-another weird thing I love and
the fashion! Enjoy!

NB: Photo heavy-ish post! Click on images to enlarge!

Vogue UK, December 2004 shot by Tim Walker
via here & here

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