I know that both Vahni (Grit & Glamour) & Lee (Lee Oliveira) were both chosen by Gucci to Livestream the Women's RTW AW11/12 from their blogs! How cool? Click on their blogs to see Gucci's stunning collection!
Anyhow, it sounds like I'm signing off early doesn't it, well yes... Actually, I've got friends flying in from London for 5 days, so I'm pretty giddy & hideously excited about their arrival and catching up on good times!
But first things first, let me introduce to you a fabulous blogger by the name of Jenn from Much to My Delight who will be sharing her edition of Little Black Book for New York City.
If you don't already know Jenn, be warned. DO NOT visit her blog without munching on something first! Why? Much to My Delight is filled with copious amounts of food porn, Jenn's recipes and personal photography is mind blowing stuff and I'll be damned if you don't leave her blog; A) drooling over your computer, B) feeling like you want to visit New York or C) entertain the idea of trying out a new recipe or simply gorging on food afterward.
Anyhoos, over to you Jenn! Enjoy!

While you’re casing Chinatown for that perfect knock-off Gucci bag, make sure you take the time to veer off busy Canal onto some of the more narrow and isolated streets. Here is where you’ll find the better restaurants, tea shops and the awesome Chinatown Ice Cream Factory. They specialize in exotic flavors like black sesame, taro, lychee, mango, ginger, almond cookie and my personal favorite, red bean.
Economy Candy (economycandy.com)
Sweet tooth still not satisfied? Head to the LES to this old-fashioned, family-run penny candy store. It’s been around since 1937 and still carries all the old-school candies your parents liked as kids. Remember the scene in 13 Going on 30 where they tried to track down a classic candy called Razzles? They found them here. I think i'd be banned from the store if i was let loose in here - how many scrumptious bites can you see here?!

No trip to NYC is complete without visiting an old school Jewish deli. Skip the $17 pastrami at the bigger joints (no seriously, that’s what they cost—and they charge you an extra $3 “sharing fee” if you decide to split with a friend) and come to this humble lunch counter where the matzoh balls are bigger than your fist and the egg creams flow like Manischewitz wine.
Chelsea Market (chelseamarket.com)
This place is no secret, but I couldn’t do a roundup on New York City food and not include Chelsea Market, a collection of bakeries, specialty food shops and restaurants in one super-cool industrial space. Here you’ll find everything from live lobsters to artisanal cheeses to hand-painted, just-out-of-the-oven cookies. Get your taste buds ready to party!

Tomoe Sushi (tomoesushi.com)
There’s a reason the line wraps around the corner 30 minutes before Tomoe Sushi opens for lunch. What this unassuming sushi place lacks in décor it more than makes up for with unbelievable freshness and incredible quality. Even my aunt (who lived in Japan for four years) said this was the best sushi she’d ever tasted.
McNulty’s Teas (mcnultys.com)
If you’re into exotic teas and classic coffees, you need to come see what’s brewing at this West Village institution. There are over 100 apothecary jars filled with every tea leaf imaginable (I picked up chocolate tea and matcha green tea powder on my last visit) and the tin ceilings, creaky wood floors and antique cash register make each visitor feel like they stepped back in time.

Arthur Avenue Retail Market (arthuravenue.com)
Even a lot of New Yorkers don’t realize that the real Little Italy isn’t in Manhattan—it’s in the Belmont section of the Bronx, and is worth the trip. This place is like a covered Italian bazaar and houses five pastry shops, four butchers, two pasta-makers, six bread stores, three pork stores, five gourmet delicatessens, two fish markets, and three gourmet coffee shops. They even have cigar rollers up front!
Alice’s Tea Cup (alicesteacup.com)
Girly-girls of all ages go ga-ga for this quaint and cozy tea shop where the tea menu is longer than the phone book and the scones are so delicious you won’t even be paying attention to how much butter is in them. It’s a wonderful, whimsical place—the walls are covered with Alice in Wonderland scenes and tiny pink butterflies. Translation: Leave your boyfriend at the hotel.

Thanks so much Jenn, now I feel super hungry all over again!
Chinatown Ice Cream Factory - nyc.metblogs.com & nymag.com
Economy Candy - Photos by muchtomydelight.com
Eisenberg’s - roadfood.com
Chelsea Market - Photos by muchtomydelight.com
Tomoe Sushi - amateurgourmet.com & picasaweb.google.com
McNulty’s - Photos by muchtomydelight.com
Arthur Avenue Retail Market - tripadvisor.in & jamiesstomach.blogspot.com
Alice’s Tea Cup - eatbigapple.com & gotstahavesit.tumblr.com