Oh yeeeaaaaah!!! I am one happy bunny, why? Earlier today I got the opportunity to meet legendary
Sex and the City &
Devil Wears Prada super stylist
Patricia Field at the
MCM boutique in Kolonaki! Wooo hoooo! It was a highly anticipated event organised by Act & React PR, since Patricia designed a limited edition range of bags in collaboration with MCM, German Luxe brand for their 35th anniversary.
I'm probably still buzzing from my excitement today and suffering from a large dose of insomnia (it's currently 1:45am! Yikes-thank God for make-up!) but I thought I'd get this out to those of you across the ocean who are still on Monday.

Patricia Field is everything you'd expect in person, her hair is redder in reality and despite the amount of camera's thrust in her face during the evening, she was always gracious and posed for everybody, bless her. After the arrival of
Anna Vissi, Greece's equivalent to Madonna, things got crazy in the MCM boutique and in the stairwell!
Everyone wanted a picture!
Later in the evening I found Patricia
hiding (?) next to me & my gal pal in the corner of the boutique, we got chatting and after a bit of grilling as to what I was doing in Athens, I discovered that her family is from Lesvos, the island where I met my Mr. Perseus.

This was a brilliant event, I also ran into my fellow blogger buddies tonight too! Yay!

Patricia Field and Anna Vissi

Yup, I also got my little SATC book squiggled on & had a polaroid taken with the legend... and Pat thought it'd be real funny to draw herself a mustache!

Drawstring bag featuring a superimposed sketch of a woman's face & the MCM logo.
After the event, I scooted down to
Oikeio restaurant nearby by for some really delish nosh and a good natter with my friends. Ok, it's late, I gotta go get some shut-eye now folks... I'll be sharing some link loving from those who took more snaps! Thank you Act & React!
Have a great week!