(image screenshot, words by ABG)
So, 2011 was an interesting year... Looking back, so many great, amazing awesome things happened, some battles with health are still yet to be fought, Greece took a massive kick to the teeth and fell deep into recession again & yet I'm still standing. More than anything else I want to say goodbye to 2011, you've made me stronger!
Anyhoos, I 'm so ready for 2012! It's time to say goodbye to procrastination, 'I don't think I can...', comparing your life to everyone else's (yours is just good, they just don't share the rubbish bits & all their problems in their life with you) and when something bad happens, you have 3 choices... You can either let it define you, let it destroy you or let it strengthen you.
If there's one thing I try not to stop doing is 'CANI' - Constant And Never-ending Improvement. You can apply that motto to anything in life and just remember, whatever you wish for, or want to change, you don't have to wait til next year or tomorrow, you can start NOW!
With each passing minute is a chance to change your life! So do it!
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year kittens, may next year be better than the last!
images via Pinterest - some edited by A Brit Greek, Goodbye by Michael Phelan, You are Amazing via Yayeverday.
OMFG, I must have been so tired and monged that I actually wrote about 2010 twice in this post and actually typed it in the Ryan Gosling pic, for real! LOL! Thank you to those of you who pointed out my Super Blind typo! Finally finished work for the day... feet are killing me.
images via Pinterest - some edited by A Brit Greek, Goodbye by Michael Phelan, You are Amazing via Yayeverday.
OMFG, I must have been so tired and monged that I actually wrote about 2010 twice in this post and actually typed it in the Ryan Gosling pic, for real! LOL! Thank you to those of you who pointed out my Super Blind typo! Finally finished work for the day... feet are killing me.