It's Friday, which often means I'm in need of a mini fashion fix... On my radar this past week is this beautiful bag from Accessorize's Fall collection, pretty much everything they have instore right now is just to die for gorgeous. I just love that it's big enough to chuck the entire bathroom and perhaps kitchen sink inside, chic enough for the office but with an ooh la la cool factor. (Now £30, was £40 and available in fire engine red)
When you've been away from the high street (in the UK) as long as I have, it's real easy to fall in love with just about everything you see.With my magpie vision, I spied this embellished chunky chain collar from topshop.
As it's Friday, I'll leave you with this...

London, I'll miss you terribly when I'm gone, but in the words of Arnie (Terminator 2) (Yes really), 'Hasta la vista baby'. I'm sure it won't be long before I head back to the soggy shores. Image via Pinterest
Have a super fun weekend!