Wednesday, 25 December 2013
Friday, 16 August 2013
Fun & Elegance, a beautiful combination via here in colour
Hope you're all well lovelies, just loving these images of late. Enjoy!
Heels stacked on books, what's not to love. via here
Chanel logo chocolate covered pretzels, for realz!
via here
Relax it's the weekend! Hope you all have oodles of fun!
via here
Just so that you know blog buds...

Monday, 29 July 2013
It's that time of the decade again, my drivers license has almost expired and I still have a year or so to go before renewing my passport.
Passport regulations have changed massively since my last one and now you can't even smile or have your chin down or face slightly tilted to one side (your best profile side naturally) - all ingredients which make you look a gazillion times better in your passport photo!
Wishing my photo could be in black and white, this neutral expression from Kate Moss is simply stunning! Via here
Yup, I did a practise run, having to stare straight ahead has resulted in me with dead looking eyes, in some I look plain gloomy or evil (hello? Is that Emily Rose from Exorcist staring back at me?) and in other test shots I simply look a little exhausted. Thank God for light reflective concealers! If you're thinking of having your passport sized photos taken, I would keep these things in mind:
Clothing: Avoid wearing green or red, instead wear a v-neck shaped top in darker colours which are more flattering have a better contrast, and whatever you do, don't wear white! If you're going to wear jewellery, keep it simple and on the discreet side.
Hair: Wear your hair down. Don't go loca loca with styling or wacky hair colour, this photo has to last 10 years! Brush/comb your hair and use a serum for stray hairs and smooth shiny locks.
The many faces of Rachel Bilson via the fantastic photographer Yu Tsai - who captures celebrity 'Expressions'. - How super fun?!
Make up: Wear neutral shades as much as possible, as bright colours will only look garish. I'd try contouring your face for a perfect base highlighting your features, accentuating your eyes but don't go too crazy with the eye liner, wear mascara for lengthening your lashes, groom your brows (fill them in) and make sure they've been plucked & shaped to perfection. As for lips, don't apply too much lip gloss or wear anything too shiny. Opt for a little colour instead- I went for something with a slight berry shade. Almost ready? Time to get rid of any shine, especially on the T-zone - powder up loves!
Glamour Magazine's feature on '10 make-up tricks that make you look spectacular in photos' is a fun read!
Kate Middleton looks super perfect in her headshot for her Olympic pass via here
Taking the shot! (Please make sure you follow the rules & remove your glasses if you wear them!)
Think a happy or even funny thought, it makes your eyes more kinder looking and you're less likely to end up with a gloomy mug shot. Believe it or not your eyes give a lot away, so smile with your eyes and look confident.
Position yourself against a plain cream or light grey background where the light is facing you, so that you don't have any distracting shadows. You can always try and hold a large white poster sized card/foam card (aka fill card) or a reflector underneath/in front of you, tilted upwards at a slight angle & towards you so the light fills the shadows under your neck and the area around your eyes.
Look straight ahead, mouth closed when taking the shot and don't slouch your shoulders please!
Get someone to take lots of shots and select the best one! You can use a service like Picture Lizard to print your photos and have them cut to size too.
Wouldn't it be fun to have some crazier shots like this taken though?
Elle Fannings 'Expressions' by Yu Tsai
Have a super week loves!
Monday, 17 June 2013
Happy Monday folks! I hope your weekend was beautiful! Did you make the most of it or did you enjoy chilling out after a hectic week?
Sometimes I like to revisit a box-set of Sex & The City, I just love love loved the show, from the girls, the wardrobe to the script. I can't quite get over how the first ever episode aired 15 years ago in 1998! For realz! Man I miss this show, the glamour, the great lines from each of the gals... Wish there was something right now which showcases style as this show once did. Anyhoos, here's a little recap of a few things we've learnt from the show & Carrie Bradshaw.
Not everyone can wear white
Sometimes the dry-cleaning bills just aren't worth it: "I will never be the woman with the perfect hair, who can wear white and not spill on it."
Dress by your own rules
When it comes to fashion, you should always stick to your guns: "I have a style and jewelled panties aren't it."
To always choose shoes over stocks and shares: "I like my money where I can see it - hanging in my closet."
…But never to forget about paying your rent: "I’ve spent $40,000 on shoes and I have no place to live? I will literally be the old women who lived in her shoes!"
Contemplate: If you're having a contemplative moment there's no better way to start your train of thought than with: "I couldn't help but wonder…"
Always remember your girlfriends
There's always time for a cheesy but true line about your girlfriends: "'They say nothing lasts forever; dreams change, trends come and go, but friendships never go out of style."
Every girl has the right to fabulous shoes
Manolos are the holy grail of shoes: "Oh my God! Do you know what these are? Manolo Blahnik Mary Janes! I thought these were an urban shoe myth!" ... And you're totally worth it: "The fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun."
With great expectations comes great love
There's nothing wrong with high expectations: "I am someone who is looking for love. Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't-live-without-each-other love."

Single is sexy
Love can wait: "Being single used to mean that nobody wanted you. Now it means you’re pretty sexy and you’re taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with."
There's nothing wrong with high expectations: "I am someone who is looking for love. Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't-live-without-each-other love."

Single is sexy
Love can wait: "Being single used to mean that nobody wanted you. Now it means you’re pretty sexy and you’re taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with."
Images all via & quotes via
Wishing you all a spectacular week!
♥Kali evdomada♥
Thursday, 13 June 2013
Well hey there loves! Wow it seems like an absolute eternity since I logged into Blogspot since little Alfie was born. Aside from the fact that my daily life now consists of being a milk machine for the wee one with endless changes of frighteningly scary looking dirty nappies (-not so scary though now mind) and major lack of sleep.
My brain is slowly absorbing news & catching up with all things fabulous from the outside world (I swear it isn't completely contaminated by the goss & ridiculous features from the mailonline!) For your information, my week hasn't been totally dull. I did try on some pre-pregnancy jeans for a laugh to see if I'd actually fit into a pair so I wouldn't have to splash out in the upcoming sales!
As it happens our summer appears to have disappeared and all that we're left with this week is a resolutely grim & rather grey looking Blighty. Being a new mum means that looking great hasn't been priority number one over the past two weeks, but with visitors on the increase one has gotta make the effort & look a little less like tired, weary mum right? For make up in a hurry I usually just prep with BB cream, some fuchsia blush & a dollop of Elizabeth Arden's 8 Hour Cream or Cherry Flavoured Carmex on my lips, but I fancy something else to brighten up my look & day with something colourful & vibrant and what's quicker than a splash of poptastic colour on your lips?
I loved Lancomes Juicy tubes when they first came out so no doubt I'll absolutely love the brand new range - Gloss in Love following the success of their Rouge in Love collection. Did you see that first pic of plump glossy lips? Hmmm, yes SOLD!
I think the Scarlett -165, Violet - 383 & Flash n' Fuschia - 391 are my faves.
These luscious Lip glosses all have a super smooth ultra comfort texture, moisturising lips for up to 6 hours & have a signature vanilla scent with a fruity cocktail kick. Yum!
Lancomes Rouge in Love lipstick range also consists of 9 new lip shades & 4 more colour popping Vernis in Love nail shades. Have any of you tried anything from this range?
What's your beauty quick fix for unexpected visitors or for freshening up your current look/make up routine in a jiffy?
Also, I'm pretty sure some of you have tried those chunky, chubby lip pencil/crayons, which brand did you love? Revlon, Clinique, Stila, Nars, Maybeline, Max Factor, Urban Decay, Soap & Glory, Boots No.7, Hard Candy & Laqa & Co?
My brain is slowly absorbing news & catching up with all things fabulous from the outside world (I swear it isn't completely contaminated by the goss & ridiculous features from the mailonline!) For your information, my week hasn't been totally dull. I did try on some pre-pregnancy jeans for a laugh to see if I'd actually fit into a pair so I wouldn't have to splash out in the upcoming sales!
As it happens our summer appears to have disappeared and all that we're left with this week is a resolutely grim & rather grey looking Blighty. Being a new mum means that looking great hasn't been priority number one over the past two weeks, but with visitors on the increase one has gotta make the effort & look a little less like tired, weary mum right? For make up in a hurry I usually just prep with BB cream, some fuchsia blush & a dollop of Elizabeth Arden's 8 Hour Cream or Cherry Flavoured Carmex on my lips, but I fancy something else to brighten up my look & day with something colourful & vibrant and what's quicker than a splash of poptastic colour on your lips?
I loved Lancomes Juicy tubes when they first came out so no doubt I'll absolutely love the brand new range - Gloss in Love following the success of their Rouge in Love collection. Did you see that first pic of plump glossy lips? Hmmm, yes SOLD!
I think the Scarlett -165, Violet - 383 & Flash n' Fuschia - 391 are my faves.
These luscious Lip glosses all have a super smooth ultra comfort texture, moisturising lips for up to 6 hours & have a signature vanilla scent with a fruity cocktail kick. Yum!
Lancomes Rouge in Love lipstick range also consists of 9 new lip shades & 4 more colour popping Vernis in Love nail shades. Have any of you tried anything from this range?
What's your beauty quick fix for unexpected visitors or for freshening up your current look/make up routine in a jiffy?
Also, I'm pretty sure some of you have tried those chunky, chubby lip pencil/crayons, which brand did you love? Revlon, Clinique, Stila, Nars, Maybeline, Max Factor, Urban Decay, Soap & Glory, Boots No.7, Hard Candy & Laqa & Co?
Friday, 24 May 2013
Whilst I look outside the window, all I see is grey and gloom, but these little beauties have lifted my spirit - well... that and some oogling at vacation/beach spots on Pinterest!
I really cannot wait for the UK to have a long spell of sunshine and warmth and even though I might not be able to strut about in shorts for a while, I thought I'd share some super cool craftista action in this ever popular summer crochet/lace shorts tutorial below. But if you can't be bothered, you can always pick up a lovely pair on the high street.
Get crafty loves and make your own lace shorts!
DIY Gorgeous shorts via here
Looks easy enough, strips of beautiful lace - mark out how many layers you're going to need and if you have enough lace, fabric glue (although I would also hand-stitch the panels on just in case-top edge only!) and a pair of jersey shorts/hotpants.
Lusting after these...
1. Denim shorts with crochet inset via Zara TRF £22.99
2. DSquared Denim & lace shorts via Farfetch £357
3. Did you cut your denim shorts too short? Butt overhang is not a good look. Anyhoos, have no
fear, you can always rectify by sewing in larger lace/broderie insert pieces. Image via here
4. Limited collection Pure Cotton Crochet shorts by M&S £29.50 - also available in cream
5. Ralph Lauren Denim & Supply Lace shorts £124.95 via Farfetch
6. Parisian cream layered crochet shorts by New Look £19.99
Yay for the long weekend! I hope your weekend sparkles and shines. Have fun lovelies!
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
via Pinterest
I've never really been the extreme body conscious type, but at 39 weeks I have already started thinking about what my post partum body will look like as there will be some major changes, especially after the miracle of bringing new life into this world. I'm not expecting to bounce back any time soon and since I'm no longer in my twenties, so it could take a while!Anyway that's fine by me, I'd rather be spending time cuddling up to my wee one regardless of the medias constant articles about celebs snapping back into shape 4 weeks after giving birth - yeah whatever! Besides I'll probably be delirious from sleep deprivation to be functioning properly or worrying about what I look like!
With summer around the corner, I suppose we could all use a little help in the toning and firming up department hence my interest in Firming/toning moisturisers. But do they work? Hmmm, dunno yet, but having had a recce online and reading various reviews, these six are high on my shopping list!
Have you tried any of these and do they work? Or do you have other suggestions? Please share!
1. Nivea Q10 Firming Body Lotion £6.99. 2. Nivea Q10 Rich firming body moisturiser £5.10.
3. MamaMio Get Waisted Body Shaper £35. 4. Clarins Extra-Firming Body Lotion £40.
5. Soap & Glory Sit Tight Body Serum £16.99. 6. L'Oreal Perfect SLim Gel cream £12
It would be ridiculous to assume that creams, lotions or potions alone will sort your body out, you also need to ensure you're eating healthily (don't even think about immediate postnatal dieting - that is a big no-no!) and doing some gentle exercise, whenever it is safe to. Listen to your doctor, it's usually around 6 weeks post childbirth unless there were complications, but remember that your 'pre-pregnancy hormones, water & blood levels only get back to normal around 12 weeks.'
- Info Source:
Don't underestimate he power of walking. Image via here
I think there's a little self discipline in me to want to get active, fit, strong & energetic and I'm sure long walks combined with breastfeeding (burns calories) & these post pregnancy exercises, my body could bounce back to some sort of normality after 9 months to a year, well here's to hoping anyway!
These exercises were sourced via here
The kegels exercise is kind of a big one, or so I've heard... your pelvic floor muscles might need some help as they weaken after childbirth... great!
Before working on your abs or belly area, do ensure you get the all clear & don't have diastasis recti - separation of the abdominal muscles (my friend has this), it will take time to heal, but the plank is a good one as it works your transverse abdominis muscles.
Ok..., so maybe none of you reading this are pregnant but still want to get inspired & get fit, or want a bikini body... Check out my old post on Procrastinating; Shaping up for summer (inclusive of cleansing, a 10 min Tracy Anderson work out video & these quick work out tips for 'Beach Body Fast' from Marie Claire mag.
Ciao loves,
Friday, 17 May 2013
Hello loves! Not entirely sure where this week, but it seems to have flown by!
I find myself obsessing a little over everything Cannes right now & although the weather over there is just as rubbish as it over here, I can't help but dream about all things French; the Cote D'azur, clear blue skies, fabulous properties...!
Chateau in La Colle sur Loup, Cote D'Azur... going for a whopping 12 million euros, any takers?
Fridays wouldn't be fabulous without a little cocktail... If I were still drinking I'd be making this ooh, la-la cocktail named Lillet Rose Spring Cocktail. "Lillet Rose, a fortified-wine blend of Sauvignon Blanc and Muscatel, has the aroma of flowers and ripe berries - perfect for a springtime aperitif. Garnishing the drinks with edible flowers is a lovely touch." recipe via Martha Stewart.
I find myself obsessing a little over everything Cannes right now & although the weather over there is just as rubbish as it over here, I can't help but dream about all things French; the Cote D'azur, clear blue skies, fabulous properties...!
Chateau in La Colle sur Loup, Cote D'Azur... going for a whopping 12 million euros, any takers?
Ok, maybe not so French, but love the fabulous drop earrings: Opal Galactic Drops by Bauble Bar
In a blingtastic related story there was a jewellery heist in Cannes, thieves stole over a $1 million worth of Chopard goods!
The infamous line from Edith Piafs song, poster via here ( which translates as "I have no regrets."
Fridays wouldn't be fabulous without a little cocktail... If I were still drinking I'd be making this ooh, la-la cocktail named Lillet Rose Spring Cocktail. "Lillet Rose, a fortified-wine blend of Sauvignon Blanc and Muscatel, has the aroma of flowers and ripe berries - perfect for a springtime aperitif. Garnishing the drinks with edible flowers is a lovely touch." recipe via Martha Stewart.
Now dears, bon weekend ma cherie!
Have oodles of fun!
Monday, 13 May 2013
image via
Summer is just around the corner - or so I keep telling myself! We've had a few spells of constant glorious sunshine, which means gals breaking out their open toe sandals... however with feet being kept well hibernated for the past 8 months (- yes that long!) I have seen more than a fair few 'eewwww' situations... as in crusty heels or funky feet that ruin a beautiful pair of shoes kinda moment.
If you haven't been looking after your precious feet & digits, now is the time to get them back into the program with a DIY Pedicure to get them looking amazeballs and perhaps take a good look at your feet to see if they could use a little more care. What do I mean?
I've seen some women with scary looking bunions (and clearly not done anything about it but carry on wearing sky scraper heels) to nail infections but most commonly I've noticed women with flat feet (without them realising) due to wearing ballet flats with thin soles or from constantly living in UGG boots over the years.
Flats that are easy to bend in half are a dead giveaway for zero support, imagine pounding the pavement in those all the time, there's no shock absorption, so your body/nerves get a bashing every time your heels strike hard ground.
image via here
Flat feet cause all sorts of problems later on, starting with poor posture and knee pain, so maybe invest in some orthotic insoles - there are some great ones via ebay like this pair or Scholl's Orthoheel Sports via amazon here.
Making your tootsies dazzle! Home DIY pedicures may not be as extravagant as having one at the spa or salon, but if you invest some lovely slightly pricier nail polish, it could make all the difference! All you really need are some toenail clippers, a nail file, nail scissors, cuticle stick, bowl, pumice stone or foot file, your own scrub mix, a rich moisturiser, cuticle oil and nail polish.
Here's the low-down to a perfect at-home pedicure via Cosmopolitan magazine here.
Because it's Monday... I'm lusting after these hot heels! Can you guess which pair is not by Zara? Scroll down!
1. Multi coloured lace up sandal £69.99 by Zara
2. Faux suede ankle strap sandals £17.92 on ebay via here
3. Ankle strap heels £49.99 by Zara
4. Strappy leather high heel sandals by Zara £49.99
I've had such a lovely start to the week, with an old friend taking time off work to give me some pamper time before I pop. Unfortunately, there's no point me buying heels right now, as my feet have gone up a size in the past week & since I can barely paint my own toenails, I was treated to a luxe pedicure, yay! Next on my list - hair cut!
Hope you all have a brilliant week filled with sparkles and sunshine!
♥Kali evdomada♥
Friday, 3 May 2013
Hello lovelies, hope you're all well! Welcome to the new month and it's a long weekend, woohoo!
I think I'll spend it playing catch up (blog reads, mags etc), getting some finishing touches done before Baos arrival (hurry up 28th May) and just stay in bed a bit longer if need be! I am very much nearly there now but could use forty more winks, as bump is significantly bigger and more uncomfortable... my hips are so achy from sleeping on my sides! Plus he's a bit of a wriggler when I'm trying to sleep too!
I've been given some good reads, so might have tuck into one of them. I've already finished Gillian Flynns Gone Girl which was just brilliant, so much so that Reese Witherspoon is producing it and I think David Fincher is in talks to direct! Eek! So excited, but who do you think should be cast as Amy and Nick???
What are you all reading right now? Anything I ought to add to my list?
I really want to go to the movies, but I think I'd just end up missing half the film by going to the loo half the time! Have you seen Iron Man 3, is it any good? I'm dying to see the Great Gatsby, not long now!!!
On this side of the pond we've been blessed with a little sunshine this week (I really don't need to hear about how amazing el scorchio it is in Greece right now, not fair!) and I hope it stays for the duration of the long weekend. I've already enjoyed one sneaky picnic in the park, but might be in for round two of chilling in the park or perhaps a BBQ! I do love the great outdoors, I just hope my hayfever calms down a wee bit! Puffy eyes and dry, red nose? So not a good look!
A new month, a new me? Hmmm, I could definitely use some pampering me time, I'm thinking new hair cut (nothing drastic, I still want to be able to give myself a Croydon Facelift), a mani-pedi and maybe try out some new eyeshadow for the long awaited Spring/Summer season!
Yowsers, have you seen these? I think this (as in the entire colour range) will be on my lust list! YSL have brought us the new La Laque Couture Tie & Dye topcoats in four shades with three layers; a shimmery frosted bottom layer, translucent colour in the middle and a clear topcoat on top.
These are crazy-awesome multi functional topcoats, you can either shake the bottle to get a subtle lick of colour or apply without shaking for a more graduated effect. I think what's great about this product is that you can also layer it with a more solid nail colour. Oooh j'adore! (Available in Selfridges & Brown Thomas)
I think I'll spend it playing catch up (blog reads, mags etc), getting some finishing touches done before Baos arrival (hurry up 28th May) and just stay in bed a bit longer if need be! I am very much nearly there now but could use forty more winks, as bump is significantly bigger and more uncomfortable... my hips are so achy from sleeping on my sides! Plus he's a bit of a wriggler when I'm trying to sleep too!
I've been given some good reads, so might have tuck into one of them. I've already finished Gillian Flynns Gone Girl which was just brilliant, so much so that Reese Witherspoon is producing it and I think David Fincher is in talks to direct! Eek! So excited, but who do you think should be cast as Amy and Nick???
What are you all reading right now? Anything I ought to add to my list?
I really want to go to the movies, but I think I'd just end up missing half the film by going to the loo half the time! Have you seen Iron Man 3, is it any good? I'm dying to see the Great Gatsby, not long now!!!
On this side of the pond we've been blessed with a little sunshine this week (I really don't need to hear about how amazing el scorchio it is in Greece right now, not fair!) and I hope it stays for the duration of the long weekend. I've already enjoyed one sneaky picnic in the park, but might be in for round two of chilling in the park or perhaps a BBQ! I do love the great outdoors, I just hope my hayfever calms down a wee bit! Puffy eyes and dry, red nose? So not a good look!
A new month, a new me? Hmmm, I could definitely use some pampering me time, I'm thinking new hair cut (nothing drastic, I still want to be able to give myself a Croydon Facelift), a mani-pedi and maybe try out some new eyeshadow for the long awaited Spring/Summer season!
Yowsers, have you seen these? I think this (as in the entire colour range) will be on my lust list! YSL have brought us the new La Laque Couture Tie & Dye topcoats in four shades with three layers; a shimmery frosted bottom layer, translucent colour in the middle and a clear topcoat on top.
These are crazy-awesome multi functional topcoats, you can either shake the bottle to get a subtle lick of colour or apply without shaking for a more graduated effect. I think what's great about this product is that you can also layer it with a more solid nail colour. Oooh j'adore! (Available in Selfridges & Brown Thomas)
What will you be up to this weekend and will you be trying/doing something new?
It's a big weekend in Greece, as Easter will be celebrated, Καλό Πάσχα και Καλή Ανάσταση my friends!
Have a beautiful weekend!
First four images via here &
YSL nail polishes via here
Thursday, 25 April 2013
On my radar for a while are these stunning wax seal pendants by the talented Jessica De Lotz, I love the vintage & nostalgic vibe of each piece. When you look at these pendants it's almost as if there's a story to tell. The mixed metals add a little je ne sais quoi, and the fact that you can layer these pieces makes it all that more special. J'adore!
I love this Pivoting wax seal compass wishbone necklace
19th C, wax seal charms via Jessica De Lots. You can even choose which emblem you want on the wax seal -
~ Love Forever
~ While I live I Grow
~ Love/Truth
~ Faithful
~ Friendship
~ Such is life
Other faves i've come across on my hunt for my lust list include these:
1. Victorian or Entwined Monogram Sterling Silver pendant via here
2. Wax seal initial charm pendant -BARGAIN! via here $16.00
3. Pegasus Wax seal pendant- image via here (couldn't find it on sale in Etsy)
4. Eternity wax seal necklace via etsy
So which ones have you been charmed by?
Friday, 19 April 2013
As someone who loved the old school era of supermodels, I did get blown away by one rather smoking hot Helena Christensen, I mean WOW, she's still got it! What an ageless beauty!
I do however feel like I'm in need of a serious sunshine ridden holiday though, having seen this shoot!
This cover shoot for Elle Spain, May 2013 was shot by Xavi Gordo & styled by Inmaculada Jimenez, you can view the entire shoot here via Fashion Gone Rogue.
I kinda love that this close up hasn't really been photoshopped to death and back, she looks gorgeous!
I do however feel like I'm in need of a serious sunshine ridden holiday though, having seen this shoot!
This cover shoot for Elle Spain, May 2013 was shot by Xavi Gordo & styled by Inmaculada Jimenez, you can view the entire shoot here via Fashion Gone Rogue.
I kinda love that this close up hasn't really been photoshopped to death and back, she looks gorgeous!
Happy Weekend lovelies!
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