Have you ever read about somewhere, someplace cool and then completely forgotten where the heck you read it? Hmmm, yes, no, ok, maybe?
Well I’m one of those types, who literally have a gazillion bookmarked pages/website of cool places I’ve read about and only dreamed about exploring, visiting, tasting, touching, seeing and smelling the air… But for the life of me can’t remember where I’ve read about it.

Before I continue to ramble on, which by the way I ought to get nominated for an Oscar, I’d like to introduce you lovelies to the Little Black Book. Simply an address book of what I call honest, yet great places to check out, eat, sleep, drink, do, see, beautify, shop & experience.
Call this your nifty little address book that does a semi-concierge job of sharing places with you to check out & enjoy fabulously to the fullest. Anyhow, what’s the point in knowing these (secret?) amazing (people &) places if you can’t share them? I will also be sharing some insider’s bespoke fashion services with you that you may or may not have heard about too.
Oh and if you like travelling just as much as I do and get totally excited by it, but hate being disappointed by the places you’ve read about in guide books and been to, hopefully this will be of some value to you.
Ok, enough rambling. Welcome to the Little Black Book, I really hope you enjoy!

There are so many incredible hot-spots and people that one post isn't going to quite cover it all, so this is going to be a permanent features, also open to guest bloggers too... I love knowing more and sharing other people's knowledge about places who live in different corners of the world!
nb: everything mentioned here in LBB is of course completely subjective! You might not concur and think it's pants! x
Happy Sparkly December everyone!