I don't usually post Fashion Week snaps, but this Gucci dress got my attention, me wants it so very badly! Hello fringing, hello sparkles! The entire collection was filled with beautiful pieces that made me love Frida Giannini even more.

So how's your week going lovelies? Beside me having a constant battle with Firefox crashing and losing half my work every 10-15 minutes (why, oh why?), it's been good this side of town. Athens is currently experiencing an early Autumnal vibe, we had rain the other day and it's a little cool today. Come back sun!
Some of you may have also noticed the little StumbleUpon icon at the end of each post, this is something I picked up from the IFB conference, since i'm not on Facebook/Twitter, this is a great way of sharing posts/blogs/photos etc you like, so sign up peeps. I'm still learning the joys of stumbling, and have discovered so many cool new blogs.
Something else I've managed to do as start to a blog overhaul, (if Firefox will allow it, but I think it's gonna take some time) is add a favicon icon - some of you already have it and some of you are probably wondering what heck this is. Well it's my website/blog icon in the address bar. I had no idea what this icon was called or how to do it at first, I just knew it looked good on everyone elses blog/site plus I wanted to personalise my blog a little more. If you want to know how to get one/create one i'll do a post on it next time. Let me know!
Ciao for now kittens!
p.s New Readers/commenters/followers - big hi to you!
Last 2 images via the Fab Tommy Ton for style.com
Some of you may have also noticed the little StumbleUpon icon at the end of each post, this is something I picked up from the IFB conference, since i'm not on Facebook/Twitter, this is a great way of sharing posts/blogs/photos etc you like, so sign up peeps. I'm still learning the joys of stumbling, and have discovered so many cool new blogs.
Something else I've managed to do as start to a blog overhaul, (if Firefox will allow it, but I think it's gonna take some time) is add a favicon icon - some of you already have it and some of you are probably wondering what heck this is. Well it's my website/blog icon in the address bar. I had no idea what this icon was called or how to do it at first, I just knew it looked good on everyone elses blog/site plus I wanted to personalise my blog a little more. If you want to know how to get one/create one i'll do a post on it next time. Let me know!
Ciao for now kittens!
p.s New Readers/commenters/followers - big hi to you!
Last 2 images via the Fab Tommy Ton for style.com