I'm sure that some of you will be remembering the anniversary of 9/11, my thoughts are with you too. There are two really horrific events that certainly shook my outlook on the world and the 9/11 attacks was definitely one of them. I know & remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when the events occured. I also remember a few frantic emails/calls to people I happened to know living there. Horrible stuff.
On a different note, it's been quite a week for me. Lots of super awesome comments, awards, features here and there... Awww, I love you guys, thank you for reading, commenting or even following my little blog! I am well and truly flattered. I will say that if you are following or commenting make sure you leave your link so I can find you too!
I was recently featured on Cameron's beautiful blog, 33 avenue miquelon. Thank you mon cheri for a brilliant post with a beautiful twist on features! It's interesting to see how you're perceived as a semi-anonymous blogger!
Check it out: Le Suivre Vendredi - A Brit Greek
I'm also currently hijacking The Phi Diaries today with my A/W 11 Bag edit & Fashion Week Survival Kit, check it out here style setters! Yeah, I kinda have bag envy at the moment, it happens from time to time.
I hope you'll get the chance to check these out!