Happy Monday gorgeous people! I hope you've had a terrific weekend? The busy season is finally over for moi and I now have a moment to take in the New Year and new projects/challenges coming my way. It's been a little difficult, since working flat out the past month... each day blended into the next... I'm just so glad I popped all important dates into the phone to buzz and remind me of what I might be forgetting! Anyhoos, time for some amazing photography love by the extremely awesome and talented
Miles Aldridge, he's one of my faves.

I love this Barbie Mania shoot he did for Vogue Gioiello 2009, it's such an imaginative way to shoot accessories, no?

I loved the styled up Barbies and bling, gimme some!

images via
Miles AldridgeI'm really excited... I can't wait to share with you an "I Want This Job" feature this week from a legendary blogger who just has the best job in the world... More soon!
Have a great week peeps!