(Briana from Step Up 2: The Streets & Jim Carrey from Ace Ventura doing his crazy dance)
Original concept inspired by: Alisha Koch here and "What I feel like when I run & What i'm pretty sure I actually look like" image on Pinterest.
Image above sourced and re-constructed by ABG.

Wishing you all a fabulous weekend. What will you be doing? I've got a fair bit of sightseeing duties this weekend, just hope we have sunny weather! Plus I do realise I have a heck of a lot of blog reading to catch up on... I am around peeps!
Aside from that I've many a wedding to prep for this year and plan a few surprises, not easy when you're across the pond I tell you. Anyhoos, I couldn't be more excited my friends!
Now skiddadle you gorgeous lot & go have fun!
images via youtube, pinterest (some edited by me)
images via youtube, pinterest (some edited by me)