I hope you're weekend is going well lovelies... I couldn't be more excited and happier now that my folks have popped over for a visit. Plus, they've brought over some of my favourite things, now that is love! I swear they think i'm still a teenager, especially when the mini case is filled with edible goods and Chinese cooking products you can't usually get over here.

The night before their arrival something pretty awful happened... which makes me despise what's going on in this country even more... My Mother-in-laws place was broken into for the 3rd time in 1 year... What's even scarier is that it's pretty obvious they've been stalking her as they know when she leaves for work and when the home is free for their taking. The apartment was a complete mess and I'm just thankful she was never home when it happened and luckily, nothing of serious value was taken either. These were the same fools who broke in the previous times, no one that dumb would attempt swinging from the rooft top onto a top floor balcony... , life goes on in Greece.

I can so relate to this!

images via pinterest
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!