Saturday 7 January 2012

Getting to... Good form, Great health, Good fitness

No... this isn't some kind of New Year's resolution thing... this is inspiration & just a little reminder about looking after yourself! Your own personal health is so valuable guys! If you haven't had your annual wellness/health check up, book it in and sort it out.
I found this pretty useful for measuring food quantities via Pinterest, however, can't say I'm that much of a control freak when it comes to portions! I love my food!

I'm never one for strict healthy eating plans and I occasionally go off the charts when it comes to the sugar department. Do you any of you take care of what you eat and put in your body? Having moved to Greece, I cook pretty much everything from scratch now, I hardly ever buy anything tinned/jarred like I used to in the UK. I also make nearly all my own sauces and buy fruits/veg in season as there is no alternative here! Just wish some things weren't so darn expensive... I cannot get over pricey the supermarkets are here - on par with Waitrose and Marks and Spencers!
LOVED this chart... and hopefully it'll inspire me to pick up the right things I'm really missing! Bigger, readable version via here

Ah, running, I love feeling of freedom, speed, adrenaline and the fact that it's 'me time' when I run. Plus I get to think things over and also let things go. If you don't like running, find something else to do that gives you a natural high and gets you fit! Get your playlist sorted too - I can help with that... there's nothing like some good tunes to work out to.

I'm a big fan of reflexology, Mr Perseus thinks it's really funny, but it works for me and can help with any minor health issues. Have you ever felt some niggly/painful bits when pressure is given on parts of your feet? Look no further than this little chart to identify some problem areas. You can give those areas a gentle massage, get someone else to to do it or find a reputable reflexologist to do all the work!

images via pinterest - some know sources include: Onedaybeautiful.tumblr, Gethealthygetsexy.tumblr
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