After the ceremony, we all had a chance to congratulate the happy couple & have some photographs taken outside the church. It just so happened that the rear of the church grounds backed onto a stable, where three stunning horses ran wild... As Ray approached the fences, a beautiful stallion galloped towards all of us & stopped by to give her a smooch! Talk about photo opp?
Her dress was amazeballs, it was the perfect fit for her and her shoes made me laugh because they were exactly what I predicted she'd wear, something with insanely high heels (14cm with platform) - the towering kind Victoria Beckham is often seen stepping out in. I have no idea how she lasted all day & night in those pointed platform babies!
The bridesmaids wore Mad Men style rose printed dresses and guests wore beautiful hats and morning suits! How fabulous?!
Hats off! There were so many gorgeous creations - I loved Granny T's hat on the top left (below)!
I can't actually remember the last time I attended a super formal wedding where the ladies wore hats and the guys morning suits, very My Fair Lady! The funniest thing, is seeing everyone for breakfast the next morning wearing their normal day to day clothes! I was lounging in my checked shirt, jeans & metallic Converse's...
The wedding ceremony was a small, cosy affair and to kick of the ceremony, the church bells rung... so incredible to watch (just like the Mars Bar ads, but without the bouncing up & down!). It was halfway through the ceremony that I literally had my mind blown by an angelic voice singing 'Ave Maria'. The reaction from pretty much everyone was 'mouth shaped like an o'. I haven't been wowed in a long time but this beautiful 13-year-old girls voice took my breath away.
Just sayin' hi to this beauty... my heels sunk deep into the grass! I wish I'd known the Mr. was taking my pic...
The Mr. & I had such a blast, I endured all kinds of waves of emotions that day & had an awesome time celebrating my friends big day! Loved every moment. I know..., there's a gazillion superlatives I could have used to describe that day, but seriously, it was one of the most amazing weddings, ever, period! Hope you enjoyed!