I don't know what's come over me, but I'm feeling the need for some fierce metallics as a final goodbye to the cold, harsh winter... So feast your eyes on these inspo lovelies!

Badass metallics

I kinda love everything about this shot, nails, clutch, bling... wish I knew the original source!

I'm sorry it's taken a while for me to get around everyones' blogs... I burnt my hand on the weekend - yes, hot pan of boiling water and a red raw right hand later... yeee-ouch! It was only a minor burn so Mr. Perseus acted quickly... I had my hand running under ice-cold water before he lathered on toothpaste -
yes, that's right,
toothpaste, (this only works with very
minor burns though!!!) all over my entire hand.
The mintiness was incredibly cooling and much later I applied a thick layer of Aloe Vera and stuck a plastic glove on before hitting the sack... It's all looking much better now, normal actually and luckily now, no pain!
Not long til the weekend... I say bring on spring and colour!!! Wishing you a very Happy March!
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