Lovelies, how did your week go? Mine was somewhat hectic, rushing around most days scrambling to complete projects and also the run up to Valentines day always seems to be that much more chaotic.
Have you all finished Valentines gift shopping? Or are any of you having anti-V day celebrations with your gal pals like the one hosted by Jessica Biel in Valentines Day? Me at this moment: picturing scene with Jennifer Garner smashing the hell outta that piñata! Whatever your plans are this weekend, I hope you have an amazing one!

Oooh, almost forgot, I have a very exciting "I want this Job" installment coming your way soon too!
This weekend, whilst I'd like to be chilling because I'm exhausted (I know I sound like a 90-something year old granny), I'm on the hunt for some wedding shoes for one of my oldest friends in the world. She's after a pair of heels with a bit of a platform... Anyone have any great websites in mind (for UK preferrably/US/Greece) let me know!