Doesn't help that it is insanely hot in Athens too, I swear the nauseating heat permeates through the weeny pores of concrete.
Anyhoos, further to the previous post, it's kinda ironic that I've got one fabulous Fashion Stylist who's going to give you the low-down on her job! I'm sure you're all familiar with Glamour magazine, famed for it's Style 'Do's & Don'ts', the fantastic 'Fast Fashion' pages to 'Beauty Get the Look' pages.

"I Want This Job": Martha Papadatou
Job Title/description: Fashion Stylist
Who do you work for? Glamour Magazine, Greece
What do you actually do?
I am a fashion stylist and I work for Glamour Greece Magazine. As a stylist for the magazine I am responsible for the fashion pages of Glamour. That includes picking out the clothes and the accessories that I want to feature in my pages, also choosing the photographer I want to work with for the issue, casting the model and the make up artist for my Editorial.

What's your typical working day like?
Well, I have a hard time waking up, but then I try to organize my day.
- I start in the morning by going to shops and companies and picking out clothes for our fashion pages.
- I discuss the editorial with the collaborating photographer. It is essential that we both are able to express equally what we want to show in our editorial. We usually choose together the model that will feature in it.
- I go to the office to check my e-mails. I have to check the new models that are in town and wait to see when the clothes and accessories that I have order from abroad will be arriving to the office.
- I go to our wardrobe room to assemble the clothes and accessories for the photo shoots.

What do you love about this job & why is it so fabulous?
Well first of all, I love clothes. So I am very blessed that I do a job that involves something I love. I am always very excited to see the new trends and to see what my favourite designers have to show us. But I think the best thing for me is that I am never, ever, bored. I feel that every day I have something new to do.
Is it as glamorous as it sounds?
Some days it is and some days it is not. I think it is glamorous when you go to the fashion parties and fashion shows. All the rest, is very hard (but fulfilling) work.
Where is the most exciting place you've traveled to for a job?
To the Caribbean, specifically I went to the West Indies.
What's the most amazing styling job you've done in your career?
Working for Glamour.
What's it like styling a photo-shoot for Glamour?
It is very exciting. We start the day drinking strong coffee and we start doing the model’s hair and make up. When the model is ready I start dressing her and we begin. I love photo shoots because through them, I can express my style and be creative.
Have you had any styling/nightmare experiences?
A few, but truly, I can’t remember any at the moment.
What's not so great about this job?
Well, all jobs have a flip side. I think the not so great part of it, is when the issue is due for print and everybody in the office is anxious and running for last minute changes in pages and issues. And also, as a stylist you have to carry a lot of heavy bags full of clothes, accessories and shoes! No doubt, as a stylist it also means steaming a lot of clothes, dressing the models & returning samples back to designers/PR agencies too!
What core responsibilities do you have?
- Pick up clothes for the theme of the shoot, co-ordinating the look with photographer, make up artist and hair stylist etc. and return the clothes.
- Assemble the clothes for my pages and check that everything that should be featured in them, actually is.
- Shoot my editorial. And, of course, always deliver on schedule. - Make sure the clothes used are properly credited.
What skills do you need to be a great stylist?
1. A sense of style.
2. Organization skills.
3. Patience
4. The will to work very hard.
What advice would you give to anyone who wants to become a stylist? Is it a tough career to break into?
I believe that you must look beyond the glamorous part and be willing to accept the fact that this is hard work.
What's the career path like?
I think all career paths are the same (university, work experience, working from bottom upwards). If you are true to what you do, you will eventually be acknowledged for it.
How did you start networking/get started/find your dream job as a stylist?
Is it essential to have a portfolio?
A classmate from fashion school introduced me to the world of glossy magazines. So for me, it was quite easy. I believe that it is, yes. You show your work through the pages of your portfolio, it’s like a passport.
Anything hot styling tips you'd like to share?
Be true to your self and your own style. It is Essential.
Don’t go into a styling frenzy.
Love Fashion but always wear fashion - don’t let fashion wear YOU!
Thanks so much for sharing Martha!
images via: Glamour magazine, Greece