I have THE BEST "I want this Job" post to follow in a bit (he's brilliant & one of my fave Make-Up Artists) so keep yer knickers on girls...
I haven't had 'A Brit Greek' rambling for a long time but I'm currently suffering from the worst burst of insomnia at the moment so I feel like a crazy lady in need of copious cups of coffee.

Plus in is heat, I must be the only weirdo who still has their morning coffee hot! Don't worry I do have a ice cold freddo cappucino 'metrio' (- love the Greek language for inventing words like this so you don't need to say how many sugars when ordering, it simply means medium-sweet).
It's so hot here, I'm considering getting one of those paddling pools for kids and putting one out on the terrace so I can just jump in! Ha!